For a limited time only, Ciao Languages is offering studnents to sign up for a “min-package” of 5 hours of individual language lessons. Lessons are one hour long and are typically held once a week. For $275, you may sign up for 5 one-hour lessons in any one of the following languages: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese or American Sign Language. The price includes access to the Ciao Languages learner’s platform where you may consult class notes, teachers’ slides and homework practice for as long as you are signed up as a student with Ciao Languages. For our regular individual lesson offerings, you may go here.Use the drop-down menu to specify the language you would like to study!(Required)Choose language from drop-down menuArabicAmerican Sign LanguageFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseMandarinSpanishOther languages – Not available for current offerItalian Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC)- Choose one or more options that are compatible with your schedule: M/T/W/TH/F(4pm-12am), Sat(3PM-12AM) – Alessandro M/T/W/TH/F(12pm-4pm), Sat/Sun(8am-4pm)- Cristina M(10am-7pm), T(10am-11am), TH(10am-2pm),Fridays 10am-11am – Cinzia M/T/W/TH(3:30pm-8Pm) – Marco M(5-7pm), T(4-7pm), W(4PM-7pm), TH(11am-2pm), F(4pm-7pm) – Ornella M/T/W/TH/F(5:00am-1:00pm); Sat/Sun(5:00am-1:00pm) – Virginia M/T/W/TH(6am-2PM) – Zaira Will specify below French Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) – (ALL TIMES PACIFIC)- Choose one or more options that are compatible with your schedule: M/T/W/TH(7AM-12 PM) – Aurelie M/T/W/TH/F(8:00am-7:00pm)Sat/Sun(8am-12pm) – Isabelle M/T/W/TH/F(8:00am-7pm),Sat(mornings)- Philippe M/T/W/TH/F/Sat/Sun(3:00pm-12am) – Macky M/T/W/TH(8:00am-10:00am/2:00pm-4:00pm), F(9:00am-10am) – Vanessa Gabe: Fully booked Will specify below Spanish Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) – Choose one or more options M/F(8:00am-6:00 pm)T(10:00am-4:00pm),W(8:00am-12:00pm),TH(9:30am-12:00pm) – Gabriela M/T/W/Th(12pm-3pm),T(4:30pm-6pm),Th(5pm-6pm) – Lori M/W(7:00pm-8:00pm),T(5:00pm-8:00pm),W(7:00pm-8:00pm) – Marian M/T/W/TH/F(7:00am-10:45am/1:30pm-4:30pm) – Sabina W/TH(1:00pm-3:00pm) – Vanessa Will specify below German Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) M(6:00am-11:00am/1:00pm-3:00pm) – Marlene Will specify below ASL Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) – Choose one or more options F/SAT(8:00am-6:00pm),SUN(10:30am-3:00pm) – Lampra Will specify below Arabic Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) – Choose one or more options M/T/W/TH/F(4:30pm-7:30pm) – Mervat Will specify below Japanese Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) – Choose one or more options T(5:00pm-6:00pm);W(11:00am-3:00pm/5:30pm-8:00pm);TH(5:00pm-6:00pm);F(5:30pm-8:00pm) – Aiko Will specify below Mandarin Instructor Availability (ALL TIMES PACIFIC) – Choose one or more options M/T/W/TH/F/SAT(10:00am-5:30pm) – Molly Will specify below Reserve your first lesson!Please specify below at least two different date/times you would like to have your very first language lesson. To schedule the first lesson we need 36 hours notification.Option A: Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Option A: Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Option B: Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Option B: Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Please specify time zone you scheduled appointment for:(Required)Indicate your time zonePacific: Los Angeles, Seattle, San FranciscoMountain: Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake CityCentral: Chicago, Dallas, HoustonEastern: NY City, Miami, AtlantaI do not know. Please contact me to schedule a level test.Your level – How would you characterize your current level?(Required) Complete beginner (I know very little or nothing at all) Elementary (some basic interactions are possible) Pre-Intermediate (can speak a bit, but have huge gaps) Intermediate (speak fluently, but need to review to go on) Advanced (speak very well, but would like to broaden my range of vocabulary) Cancellation policy – I acknowledge that Individual lessons will be forfeited if cancelled without 24 hours notification.(Required) Yes Please let us know if there is anything you would like us to know to facilitate your linguistic journey. Final step – Tell us about yourself!Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)You are about to purchase a package of 5 hours of individual language lessons backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. To reserve the first lesson, we require full payment of the $275 package price, but we offer a full refund if you change your mind after the first lesson with your teacher. As long as you have chosen a time that is covered by teacher availability, we guarantee the desired appointmment time. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.